Make a great first impression!
The First Impressions program offers a tailor-made evaluation of how well your community shines online for tourists and travelers. From your online presence to the brick-and-mortar attractions, the program highlights how accessible and appealing your amenities are to tourists or newcomers to the area. Extension educators then collaborate with your community to explore how you can amplify your strengths, ensuring your community, county, or region leaves a lasting and inviting first impression on visitors.

A comprehensive evaluation of your online presence; analysis of your branding, accessibility, and website design; and recommendations for action plans tailored to your community’s goals.
- Market: Communities of 30-10,000 residents
- Timeline: Approximately two weeks
- Cost: $300 for specialists’ travel and administration fees

A comparison between your city and one of similar size within 120 miles. A self-selected board works with a facilitator on maximizing tourism assets, discovering how visitors view your community, and receiving feedback.
- Market: Communities of 30-10,000 residents
- Timeline: Approximately two to three months
- Cost: Travel costs for facilitators, for groups to conduct peer evaluations, and for evaluation board to meet with peer community

Experts in marketing, food and beverage, tourism, event planning, and community development identify your community’s strengths, opportunities for improvement, and possible future initiatives regarding tourism in your short-, mid-, and long-term strategic plans.
- Market: Communities prioritizing tourism in their strategic plans
- Timeline: Approximately four to six months
- Cost: $5,000 for specialists’ travel and administration fees
Contact for First Impressions Online
RPN Extension Educator
Contact for First Impressions Peer-to-Peer & Professional
Assistant Professor in Nutrition & Health Sciences