Community Leadership Development

Lindsay Hastings presents at a leadership Chautauqua in Kearney, Neb. to local community leaders.

Leading Locally

Communities grow at the pace of their leaders. But leaders can’t simply swap in and out like batteries. The Rural Prosperity Nebraska Community Leadership Development team works with you and your neighbors to enhance leadership capacity and quality among community residents. Through local discussions and workshops, as well as state-wide seminars, courses, and networking events that focus on professional and leadership development, our programs increase rural Nebraskans’ capabilities as effective community leaders, and aid in successfully transitioning leadership roles to future generations. From kickstarting self-sustaining growth to spearheading community development programs that foster greater prosperity, the Community Leadership Development team’s expertise is dedicated to empowering you not just to thrive, but to lead.


Local Leaders. Local Solutions.

COOL Network

Join the nine-week County Official Online Learning (COOL) Network, designed by the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO) and the University of Nebraska, to network with other county officials, university professors, and experts in local government through a discussion forum and a weekly live webinar.

A man online on his laptop.

Choose Excellence

Institute of Excellence

Join a network of peers across the state as you grow your leadership capacity in the roles in which you and your colleagues serve. Designed by the University of Nebraska and NACO, the Institute of Excellence focuses on professional development for county officials.

Lindsay Hastings hosts a session of the IOE.

Tailored to Your Community's Needs

Leadership Development

What are the leadership needs in your community? The Community Leadership Development team offers custom-designed programs tailored to your community. Contact the team leads to discuss creating a program in your area that fits your needs, goals, and aspirations.

A women fills out an "Individual Leadership Path" form. Photo by Russell Shaffer

Contact Us


RPN Extension Educator


Professor of Leadership